Monday, December 22, 2008

DAT Announces Obama-Biden Inauguration Party -- evening of January 20 - and more DAT activities

Dear DAT members,

Seasons greetings to you all! Here is wishing that you spend many hours and days over the holiday season with friends and family.

First of all, save the date -- January 20, 2009! DAT in Bangkok is already planning for the New Year as well, and the biggest first event we will have is an Inauguration Celebration Party, to watch live the Inauguration of Barack Obama and Joe Biden as our new President and Vice-President! DAT will be gathering at the Roadhouse Barbecue (map at from 8:30 p.m. onwards on the night of Tuesday, January 20, 2009. The Inauguration Ceremony will take place between 10 and 12 p.m. (Bangkok time), but there will be plenty of coverage, parades and other events leading up the formal ceremony -- so come on down and enjoy this historic occassion in the company of friendly fellow Democrats! DAT will also be encouraging members to send their best wishes and sign the two white DAT t-shirts that we will be sending to President Obama and Vice-President Biden at the White House -- let them know that the Americans in Thailand are sending all best wishes in their mission to restore our country's international standing in these dire times in the world! DAT will have our t-shirts available, and there are plans for a special inauguration coffee mug too! More details will be forthcoming on all of this, including possible Inauguration Parties organized in the provinces too.

Please note that global Democrats Abroad is also taking up President-Elect Obama's call for national service. Specifically,
Dems Abroad is engaging in two global projects: letters and gift packages to American servicemen and women, and spreading cheer among the most needy at home in the US through foodbank contributions, at

Second, DAT will be holding its regional Asia-Pacific organization meeting in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on February 7-8, 2009. The meeting is open to all members of Democrats Abroad in the Asia-Pacific region, so if you want to learn more about what we do and get involved, please plan to join us. As Chair, I plan to attend and I believe several other DAT leaders will also be going. If you are interested in joining us, or learning more about this meeting, please send an email to DemocratsAbroadThailand "at" and I will ensure you get updates as the plans come together. Please also note that DA is an all volunteer organization, which also means that it is a "pay your own way" organization -- we do not have any travel costs for either leaders or members to participate in our activies.

Finally, for those of you who ordered Obama t-shirts and have not yet picked them up -- please get in touch with us ASAP. The demand for the shirts is great and we are not going to be able to hold orders forever. If you know that you are going to pick them up at some definite date in near future, please tell us that -- that counts for letting us know what your plan is. However, if we have not heard at all from you about your order by January 3, then we regretfully will not be in a position to ensure that all the shirts you ordered will continue to be available. It is important to remember that these shirts are being exchanged for donations to DAT (500 baht per shirt) -- so that we can build the party chapters in other parts of Thailand (Chiang Mai and the North, NE/Isarn and the Mekong, Phuket and the Andaman, Pattaya and the Eastern Seaboard, perhaps Hua Hin and the South) in the future. So please -- follow through on your support for DAT -- you took the time to pre-order, now communicate to us at DemocratsAbroadThailand "at" about your order.

Happy New Year, and best wishes to you all from DAT, the Best Party in Town.

Phil Robertson
Chair, DAT

More Election Night Party Photos from the Roadhouse

DAT members and friends made the long drive from NichadaThani into town and assembled en masse on the night of November 5th on the 3rd floor of the Roadhouse Barbecue to cheer in the new era, here are some great photos of our big victory night. Thanks to the Banburys for the deft camera work!

In the course of evening, I recall that there were quite a few rounds of some sweet drinks called B-52's amidst the house-rocking chants of O-Ba-Ma, O-Ba-Ma, O-Ba-Ma (with the chant continuing for three minutes or more each time, yelled at the top of your lungs...). The next morning saw a few hang-overs and hoarse throats, that is for sure!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

IMPORTANT -- Obama T-shirt Pick-up and Payment Procedures

Democrats Abroad in Thailand

For those of you who have ordered either the Thai/English Obama t-shirts, or the “Bangkok for Barack” t-shirts, as part of DAT’s last t-shirt order, here are the instructions on payment and pick-up of the shirts. The shirts will be delivered to DAT late on December 8th, meaning that they will be available starting on December 9.

As has been stated many times in the past, the donations you provide to DAT are used by this organization for voter registration drives in Thailand -- such as supporting efforts to encourage Americans in Thailand to visit and other voting sites in order to take part in upcoming US elections, and supporting other activities that help “get out” the American Democratic vote in Thailand. You can be especially proud of wearing your DAT-provided T-shirt because it means you are already contributing to our efforts to build on our Congressional majority in upcoming elections in 2010.

There are two ways that you can make your donation, and receive your shirts – by either bank deposit to the DAT bank account, or in cash. DAT is not able to take credit cards, handle pay-pal requests, or any other form of donation – sorry about that, but we are an all volunteer organization and we need to keep things simple!

Bank transfer: Please make a bank transfer to DAT’s account – which is at Krung Thai Bank (Queen Sirikit Center branch. The name of the account is John Andrew Boname (who is DAT’s Treasurer) and the account number is 009-0-09385-2. After you have made the bank transfer, please send the bank pay-in slip to us. You can scan the bank-slip and email to us at or you can fax it to us at 02-634-3799. In either case, include your name, number of shirts that you have ordered (so we can double-check against our list) and contact information. One shirt is provided for each donation of 500 baht.

For those who wish to have the shirts mailed to you, DAT will have to request that you reimburse us for postage. In Thailand, we send the shirts by EMS – for every 2 shirts you have ordered, add 50 baht to your order. If you have ordered an odd number of shirts, please top up the postage cost (i.e. for 7 shirts, please pay postage for 8). For those wishing to have shirts sent overseas, postage reimbursement is 200 baht per shirt. These postage reimbursements are based on the real reimbursements of postage from our experience in sending shirts in September and October.

For those of you in Bangkok, we strongly encourage you to make arrangements to pick up the shirts directly from us. Save yourself a trip to the bank, and come hang out with DAT! DAT will be at the Roadhouse Barbecue (, corner of Rama 4 and Suriwong Roads) with the shirts on the afternoon and evening of December 9, from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. – please send us a note to if you expect to come to pick up your shirt on that day. You can make your donation in cash then, or bring the bank pay-in slip for your donation and show it to us. Phil Robertson, DAT Chair, will be the one handling the distribution of shirts that day, and he is reachable at (085) 060-8406.

Starting on December 10, the shirts will be available in exchange for a donation at the office of ISM Tech. To pick them up there, you will need to call (02) 634-3800, and speak to either Peter or Jaeng, and tell them when you are planning to go to ISM Tech. There is a map on their website, at, hit the contact us button, and then download the map. They are located walking distance from the Chong Nonsi BTS stop, on Silom Road. Please, please do call ahead -- so that people can pull together your shirts and be prepared to get them to you easily and quickly.

Show your Obama and Democrats spirit around town -- let's make sure everyone knows that change is coming!

Finally, DAT will be organizing an Inauguration Party to celebrate the official investiture of Barack Obama as our 44th President. Details are still being worked out, but the event will be in Bangkok on/around January 20, 2009. DAT members will receive email notice of this event (for those who are not members, you can join at, hit the join button on upper right hand side), and you can also check back on this space where news of the event will be posted.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Obama Sticker from Down Under

The DAT celebration party at the Roadhouse -- which was free admission -- was attended by people from many nations who cheered a return to responsible leadership in the US -- including a group of Australians from the ARTIP anti-human trafficking project based in Bangkok. One of their group was inspired enough to come up with her own sticker design -- which she distributed for free to anyone who wanted them at the festivities. Woohoo indeed!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

DAT at US Embassy Election Watch Party -- 5 Nov 08

DAT split its representation on Election Day in Bangkok -- with over 180 members going to the US Embassy's official "Election Watch" party at the Grand Hyatt Erawan -- and well over 200 heading to the DAT unofficial club house on the third floor of the Roadhouse Barbecue on Rama 4 and Suriwong Roads. These photos are from the Embassy party.

It was full of media (7 live media interviews in Thai for Chair Phil Robertson), hundreds of Thai school-kids (all asking questions from some civic education questionnaire -- "why do you support the Democratic Party?" -- the mind blurs with all the answers possible for that one...), some Americans, various Thai big-wigs (PM Somchai showed up - and gave a speech -- and then Bangkok Gov. Apirak appeared shortly thereafter -- the battle of the dueling entourages was on!), a few (and I do mean few) Republicans lead by "Sal" and "Al", the mystery McCain staffers never seen before election day despite big titles like "Country Coordinator" -- who predicted a McCain victory early on but rapidly became more reticent as the morning progressed. Needless to say, the DAT table was front and center, and surrounded by a constant flood of DAT members offering cheers and high-fives! Ambassador Eric John picked the right color with his neon blue silk tie as the Democrats romped -- and when California was called for Obama, and the network declared him the next President, the vast majority of Americans and Thais in the crowd cheered madly. Obama won 90% of the straw poll at the event -- and the cheers reflected that. A pile of McCain-Palin buttons sat off on a side table, undisturbed... YES WE CAN -- and then DAT moved en masse to the Roadhouse.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Photos of the Campaign in Thailand -- Fundraising Dinner for DAT -- Sept 2008

DAT was determined to run advertisements in Thailand's many English newspapers to encourage Americans to vote -- but that costs money! But combine some of the best food in Thailand at Ruen Thong Restaurant on Naradhiwas Rajanagarindra Road and a good cause, and DAT members turned out, ready to support us!

Over 25 members turned out, donating 1000 baht each to the cause -- and with the free corkage allowed by the restaurant, the wine was flowing as fast as the conversation of hopes for something different, something better for the US -- especially since the Presidential debates were just around the corner! With this and other fundraising, the DAT was able to run ads in The Bangkok Post, The Nation (Bangkok), The Phuket Gazette, The Chiang Mai Mail, The Pattaya Mail, Pattaya Today, Pattaya People, The Korat Post, The Nonthaburi News, and last but not least, The Vientiane Times.

DAT's favorite photographer, Lance Woodruff, was on hand to snap some photos. As is apparent from all the photos, it was a really lively crowd!
Thanks, Lance for capturing the event so clearly -- and much appreciation to everyone who turned out for a fun evening.

Photos of the Campaign in Thailand -- Obama Policy Platform Session at the Roadhouse -- July 08

Once it was clear that Sen. Obama had won the Democratic nomination, there was time to start thinking about ideas and policies -- and the Obama campaign encouraged "house parties" for engaged citizens to propose their views on what should be front and center in the Democrat Party platform to be adopted at the Democratic National Convention in Denver. Democrats Abroad has its own platform but we thought it was important for the members to have their say -- and in late July, about 50 DAT members came down to the Roadhouse Barbecue to do just that -- over some cold ones and Chef Dana's best ribs and other grilled offerings. Americans Abroad for Obama leaders Jon Fox and Brian Thomson played an important role in organizing the event -- with Jon coming up with the original idea, and Brian cranking on his lap-top to keep up with the discussion and make sure the ideas were put in a form that could be submitted through the Obama campaign website.

Chair Phil Robertson moderated the discussion, which was quite vociferous at times -- reflecting the fact that we're Democrats and we have strong views (and we're not afraid to express them!) A reporter from The Nation came by and wrote up an article about DAT (see earlier entry in this blog) which garnered us more attention in US expat circles in the Kingdom. Policy progress while having fun too -- the essence of DAT!

The best Party in town!

Photos of the Campaign in Thailand -- Independence Day 2008

DAT was busy all year 2008 -- registering Americans to vote anywhere we could! Bangkok does not have alot of places that Americans tend to hang out, so we had to make our own opportunities. One of the best places was the annual 4th of July party, held this year on a muddy field at the Port Authority of Thailand sports stadium in Klong Toey. DAT had the best spot in the fair -- right next to the booth of the Roadhouse Barbecue, which had great Belgian wheat beer on tap! DAT Treasurer Andy Boname had a chance to relax with one of those after registering a ton of people...

Chef Dana was on hand grillin', which was good -- because we got might hungry as we registered over 150 Americans to vote that day. We also broke out the new t-shirt design, "Bangkok for Barack" -- which people were eager to see and have. All in all, a great time was had by all -- except the Republicans Abroad, who were nearby and struggled to muster 15 people the entire afternoon. But they were kind enough to let us have some FPCA voter registration forms when we ran out of ours!

Austin Arensberg and the Americans Abroad for Obama also busted out a new t-shirt design -- which was more popular with the younger party-ers...

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Coolest President

What else can you say? It's so true...

Inter-Press Service Quoting DAT

This is an interesting article that tries to get at an important, yet still unclear factor about the international reaction to the election of Pres. Barack Obama -- how will he perceived and what does his election mean for countries around the region? IPS does a good job of pulling out some of those issues in this article. Enjoy -- Phil

Obama Victory Spells Renewed US Interest

Marwaan Macan-Markar

BANGKOK, Nov 7 (IPS) - In Indonesia, many know him as ‘’Barry’’. To others U.S. president-elect Barack Obama is the ‘’Menteng Kid’’ for the primary school he attended while living in South-east Asia’s largest country.

Indonesia had a little more to celebrate than its neighbours when Obama was declared elected on Tuesday. Among those who rejoiced was Israella Dharmawan, Obama’s teacher during his childhood in central Jakarta.

‘’I remember he once wrote two stories titled ‘My mother, my idol’ and ‘I want to be a president’,’’ she said in a story appearing in Thursday’s ‘Jakarta Post’ newspaper. Obama was six when he came to live in Indonesia in 1967 and lived there for five years with his mother, Ann Dunham, and his Indonesian stepfather, Lolo Soetoro.

‘’I hope to see him become a good president and keep his campaign promises,’’ the former third-grade teacher added of the new U.S. leader who had come across to her as ‘’good, cheerful and easygoing as a young boy’’. ’

For Indonesia there is significance in U.S. voters creating history by voting an African-American to the most powerful job in the world. The possibility of a member of a minority community being elected president remains remote in Indonesia, where the Javanese, the majority ethnic community, hold sway.

‘’This phenomena teaches us all that ethnicity, race and other labels are not important. What matters is our capability,’’ Jusuf Kalla, the country’s vice president, was quoted as having told the Indonesian national news agency Antara following Obama’s victory.

Kalla is a leader of Golkar, the country’s largest political party. But media reports note that the likelihood of him running for president in the 2009 elections are doubtful because of his origins. He is a member of the Bugis ethnic minority from the mountainous island of South Sulawesi.

Obama’s example would not have been lost on Malaysia, Indonesia’s neighbour, where the Malay majority maintains a firm grip on political power at the expense of the country’s minorities, such as ethnic Chinese and Indians.

Even in Singapore -- which has policies to maintain racial harmony -- the political culture favours a member of the dominant Chinese community for the office of prime minister.

‘’The U.S. election could inspire people from minorities in this region to think of what is possible,’’ says Phil Robertson, chairperson of Democrats Abroad Thailand, a group of U.S. citizens living here who campaigned for Obama, the presidential candidate of the Democratic Party.

‘’It could broaden people’s ideas that a person from a minority could rise to the post of political power based on the ideas he or she represents,’’ added Robertson in an interview. ‘’Obama’s victory is an inspirational moment.’’

The widely followed U.S. elections offered other sober lessons too: the gulf between what passes for democracy in this region as against the robust U.S. system.

An official response from the Philippines, a former U.S. colony in the region with a similar polity, said it all. ‘’Our own democracy and electoral process can be enriched by the lessons, model, and example that the last U.S. presidential contest can offer, particularly in terms of the primacy of issues and blueprints of governance, as well as the efficiency and integrity by which the electorate’s will is safeguarded,’’ said Gabriel Claudio, political advisor to the Philippines president, in a statement.

Elections in South-east Asia’s few developing democracies are plagued by fraud, questionable candidates and tension, which, at times, leads to violence before and after the elections. Suppression of the media and stifling of open and free debate also stains this region’s electoral culture.

For the 10-member ASEAN the Obama victory comes after growing concern among the region’s leaders that the George W. Bush administration was losing interest in the regional bloc. While Bush described South-east Asia as the second front in his ‘war against terrorism’ after the September 2001 terrorist attacks on the U.S., Washington opted for the bilateral route rather than multilateral measures.

‘’After 9-11 terrorism became the main priority for the Bush administration, it wanted immediate results, which ASEAN is not geared to. Defence is not its strength,’’ Robert Fitts, a former U.S. diplomat who has served in three South-east Asian capitals, told IPS. ‘’So it developed bilateral relations and dealt directly with the defence ministries and the police in the region and spent less energy with a multilateral body like ASEAN.’’

With the Bush doctrine in tatters, a greater engagement with ASEAN is expected, underscoring Obama’s inclination towards multilateralism. ‘’He wants to reinvigorate multilateralism and that includes ASEAN,’’ says Fitts.

ASEAN includes Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Brunei.

‘’Obama will create a new impetus for ASEAN-U.S. policy,’’ says Kavi Chongkittavorn, a senior editor and columnist on regional affairs at ‘The Nation’, an English-language daily in Thailand. ‘’Many ASEAN leaders want stronger ties with the new U.S. administration, because they know that they stand to gain more.’’

Saturday, November 8, 2008

DPA -- Democrats Abroad Get Ready to Party in Asia

Democrats Abroad get ready to party in Asia
4 November 2008
BANGKOK - Democrats Abroad members will be gathering in special venues throughout Asia, from a secret 'watering hole' in alcohol-free Kabul to a popular barbecue house in Bangkok, to watch the US election results on Wednesday, Asia time.

If pre-election interest is anything to go by, the turnout to watch the televised results abroad is expected to break records for Democrats Abroad - the official arm of the Democratic Party for Americans living outside of the United States.

"Democrats Abroad in Thailand has more than tripled our membership in the past 10 months," said Phil Robertson, chairman of Democrats Abroad Thailand. "I've never seen such excitement over an election."

In BangkokS embassy has organized an election watch for American citizens at the swank Grand Hyatt Hotel Wednesday, while Democrats Abroad has planned a separate event at the Roadhouse Barbecue restaurant.

"I predict the Roadhouse is going to be the wilder scene," said Robertson, echoing the great optimism that Democrat candidate Barack Obama is the likely winner of the US presidential election.

Similar election-watching gatherings of Democrats Abroad in Asia are planned throughout Asia including in alcohol-free Afghanistan, at a "local water hole" and the Brass Monkey Bar and Restaurant in Taipei.

Final results of the election will only be known by Wednesday in most Asian countries because of the time difference.

While this election has generated uncommon interest among Democrats Abroad, which has opened new chapters in Vietnam, South Korea, Singapore, Nepal and Malaysia, the exact number of overseas American eligible to vote on Tuesday remains a mystery.

What seems clear, from feedback at the chapters, is that more Democrats abroad have bothered to register and submit their ballots in this election than in the previous 2004 presidential contest.

"Our phone calls to our members all around Thailand show that 93 per cent of them have cast their ballot," said Robertson.

"We're extremely excited for the election returns to come in on November 5, and we have a reason to be. Finally we will have an American leader in the 21st century that we can be proud of."

Monday, November 3, 2008

Quote from Phil Robertson -- Chair, DAT

"In my years working with American voters living in Thailand, I have never seen anything like the enthusiasm I see for Barack Obama. This is truly a watershed election for America, and for all of us living overseas -- because the victory of Barack Obama will mark the beginning of a new start for America in foreign policy, in our relations with countries around the world, and in the way that people around the world perceive the United States. Americans here in Thailand and elsewhere in Asia have really done their part -- DA Thailand has tripled our membership over the past ten months, and our phone calls to our members all around Thailand show that 93% of them have cast their ballot. We're extremely excited for the election returns to come in on November 5, and we have a reason to be! Finally we will have an American leader in the 21st century that we can be proud of. "

Philip Robertson Jr.
Chair, Democrats Abroad Thailand

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Victory Parties in Bangkok - November 5, 2008

Come and join Democrats Abroad Thailand to celebrate what will be a historic victory for Barack Obama, and for Democrats in the House and Senate, on Wednesday, November 5th in Bangkok!

There are two events that will be taking place on that day.

First, there is an invitation-only “Election Watch” event being sponsored by the US Embassy which will take place in the ballroom of the Grand Hyatt Erawan (Ratchadamri Road, near Chitlom Skytrain station) from 7 AM to 2 PM. DAT has negotiated and received a limited number of invitations and we are opening these up to DAT members on a first come, first served basis. DAT must provide a list of attendees to the Embassy so we need to hear from you no later than the morning of 30 October 2008. RSVPs must include the full name and email address of the DAT member (sorry, non-members cannot be accommodated) and must be sent to For those who met the deadline before our quota from the Embassy fills up, we will send you a formal invitation that you must print out and take to the Hyatt, along with photo ID (passport). DAT will have a table at the event, which will include big screens, inter-a ctive activities, and DAT give-aways (a free t-shirt every time a selected swing state is called for Obama-Biden!). Since the Embassy is also inviting senior Thai officials and civil society representatives, and other diplomats, DAT members who attend are requested to dress professionally. (Who knows, members of the royal family might attend.)

The other, less formal event is the DAT Victory Party which will be ongoing at the Roadhouse Barbecue from 9 AM and continuing all day (and evening!). Chef Dana will have breakfast ready and happy hour prices all day for DAT members and friends – so please join us any time during the day to watch the election results, hear the commentary, and celebrate the movement of American Democrats that we have built in Thailand, the US, and around the world. There is no need to RSVP for the Roadhouse event – just come along at any time – you will no doubt be able to locate us just by the cheering. The Roadhouse is located at the corner of Rama 4 and Suriwong Roads, walking distance from the Sala Daeng BTS stop. There is a map on the web site (

We look forward to seeing you, and celebrating with you, on November 5!

With best wishes,

Phil Robertson
Chair, Democrats Abroad Thailand
mobile: (085) 060-8406
fax: (02) 672-0592

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

DAT T-shirts are available!

Americans in Thailand!

We have available the DAT "Bangkok for Barack" and "Thailand for Obama" Thai/English t-shirts – the two coolest political shirts in Thailand! In exchange for a 500 baht donation to DAT, we will give you a t-shirt! You can pick them up, or we can arrange to mail them to you. We have all different sizes (they are American sizes), please ask for the ones that you want. See some of our models (thanks to Rick Graves' niece in Seattle, my daughter Annie, DAT Treasurer Andy Boname, and Rudy Porter) wearing the shirts below!

The process for getting a shirt is one of the following. First, give us an order of the shirts you want, specifying the number of shirts, and sizes, and your contact information, including phone, email and mailing address. Send it to Khun Jaeng (jaeng 'at' and Phil Robertson at democratsabroadthailand "at"

Then you can do one of the following. You can make a deposit to the DAT bank account for the number of shirts that you want, and then send DAT the bank pay-in slip (either by fax or as a scanned document attached to an email) and we will mail you the shirt within 2 or 3 days of receiving your proof of payment. The DAT bank account is at Krung Thai Bank, account name: John Andrew Boname; account number: 009-0-09385-2, bank branch: Queen Sirikit Convention Center. If you fax the slip, please send it to the attention of Khun Jaeng, ISM Tech, fax number: 02-634-3799. If you decide to email it, please send it to Jaeng above, with a copy of your email sent to democratsabroadthailand 'at' Of course, please also make sure to include the mailing address that you want the shirts to be sent to!

Alternatively, you can call Khun Jaeng at (02) 634-3800 during normal working hours (Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) and make arrangements to visit the ISM Tech office on Silom Road (at the corner of Silom and Naradhiwat Rachakarin Roads) and pick up the shirt directly.

No shirts will be mailed until we have proof of your donation to DAT!

The money will be used to promote get out the vote efforts targeting Americans in Thailand. So you are getting a great t-shirt, showing how you feel about this election, and contributing to efforts to promote the Democratic ticket among Americans in Thailand! Thanks for your support for Democrats Abroad Thailand, and for the cause of Democrats in 2008 -- please support Obama-Biden, and Democratic candidates for US Senate and House of Representatives so that we have a working majority for reform and change in 2009 and onwards!

Best wishes,
Phil Robertson
Democrats Abroad Thailand
(085) 060-8406 (tel)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

2nd Presidential Debate at the Roadhouse -- October 8 -- 6 to 8 p.m.

The next Presidential debate is just around the corner -- and DAT will be screening it on Wednesday, October 8, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Roadhouse Barbecue (, map on the website). We suggest that you get there by 6:00 if you want to have dinner before the debate replay starts.

Word in the US media is the McCain camp is desperate, and will be coming out mean and dirty, trying to trash Barack Obama on a personal and policy level -- and so our candidate needs your support! Come out and cheer on Barack Obama with a group of progressive Americans -- and let everyone know how you feel about this election! And come out to meet old friends and make new ones, and of course, enjoy the delicious cuisine and cold beers always on offer at the Roadhouse -- the DAT's unofficial Bangkok club house! There are more TVs and a great sound system (both which were used to great effect during last Friday's showing of the V-P debate) and plenty of room for all. Another batch of DAT's cool Thai/English Obama t-shirts will be available, along with bumper stickers and other Obama paraphernalia!

Worried about where is that absentee ballot you requested? Or not even sure that you're registered? Changing your address in Thailand and worried your absentee ballot might not catch up with you? Something else? The "vote doctors" from Americans Abroad for Obama and DAT will also be in the house -- and ready to take your questions and find solutions for problems with absentee ballots -- bring your questions, voting materials and anything else -- and they will find an answer for you!

Please RSVP if you're coming to democratsabroadthailand "at"!

Come on down and join us on October 8th, for another evening with the best Party in town -- the Democratic Party!

With best wishes, and onwards to victory in November,

Phil Robertson
Chair, Democrats Abroad Thailand

Friday, September 26, 2008

Cool Obama Thai/English T-shirts Available

Haruko Yamauchi, one of our dedicated DAT members, came up with another great design for a t-shirt which DAT is proud to give to members who donate 500 baht or more to the DAT. The shirts are black, with the Thai/English Obama on the front, and the Democrats Abroad URL on the back -- see below. If you are interested, please contact democratsabroad "at"

DAT also still has the original Haruko design, which we launched during the 4th of July celebrations in Bangkok -- the "Bangkok for Barack" design -- and you can also get those from us. This design is on a white t-shirt, with the URL on the back in red.

For both t-shirts, we have all different sizes -- from XXL down to kids' sizes.

Wear your politics for all your friends to see this important election -- and let's get Barack Obama and Joe Biden in the White House, and increase our Democratic majorities in the Senate and House!

On to victory, 2008 -- and looking cool all the way there...

Phil Robertson
Chair, DA Thailand

Presidential Debate Party -- Sept 27 -- 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. -- Roadhouse

Democrats in Thailand,

The Presidential Debates are just around the corner – where are you going to watch them? Why not join a friendly crowd of Democrats Abroad to cheer on Barack Obama? DA Thailand will be organizing debate parties for each of the coming Presidential debates, as well as the Vice-Presidential debate (when the McCain handlers have to finally let Sarah Palin speak for herself!).

DA Thailand is organizing a no-host social night to watch the first debate on the evening of Saturday, September 27 at the Roadhouse Barbecue ( – there is a map on the site), starting at 6:30 p.m. Come on by to support Barack Obama, see friends, share political chatter and views, and of course, enjoy the Roadhouse’s great ribs and other food, and ice-cold beers. DAT will have our Obama English/Thai language t-shirts on offer (they are the coolest t-shirts – the talk of the town!), as well as Obama bumper stickers and buttons for those who want them.

Please RSVP (if you plan to attend) to democratsabroad "at"

Here is the schedule for the upcoming debates. Each of the debates starts at 9 p.m. in the US and runs for 90 minutes. Given the time difference between the US and Thailand, which means that all these debates will be live in the early morning BKK time, DA Thailand will be taping the debate and then (in Bangkok) showing each on the following evening (nights of September 27, October 3, October 8, and October 16). Other DAT Chapters in the North, Mekong/Northeast, and Pattaya/Eastern Seaboard will also likely be organizing events and we will be relaying news of those events to you separately. Here is the schedule:

First presidential debate:
Friday, September 26 (BKK party Saturday evening)
University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS

Vice presidential debate:
Thursday, October 2 (BKK party Friday evening)
Washington University in St. Louis, MO

Second presidential debate:
Tuesday, October 7 (BKK party Wednesday evening)
Belmont University, Nashville, TN

Third presidential debate:
Wednesday, October 15 (BKK party Thursday evening)
Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY

Look forward to seeing you with us at the debates!

Best wishes,

Phil Robertson
Chair, Democrats Abroad Thailand

Monday, September 15, 2008

Obama-Biden Victory Fundraiser -- 20 September 2008 -- Bangkok

Cocktails, Camaraderie and Campaign Chatter
is the suitable name for the Obama-Biden Victory Fundraiser that Jaimie Seaton Berendsen will be holding at her house on 20th September -- please come out and support the cause -- minimum donation is $100 but all the donations go to the Obama-Biden Campaign - call Jaimie for details at
(089) 987 8008

Click on the image on the left to see the formal invite!

Look forward to seeing you there!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Democrats Abroad Social Night – Getting out the Vote! 6:30 p.m. -- Saturday, 6 September -- Reun Tong Restaurant

Democrats Abroad in Thailand members and friends!

Come out and join friends in DAT for some of the best Thai food in Bangkok at the Ruen Tong restaurant on Saturday, September 6, starting at 6:30 p.m. DAT is raising funds to run voter registration ads in major newspapers all over Thailand (featuring the website) in September and we need your help to do this! The cost of the dinner is 1000 baht per person for all the Thai food you can eat and DAT has arranged free corkage with the restaurant so bring your bottle of wine to complement the food. Please RSVP to Phil Robertson, Chair of DAT at democratsabroadthailand "at" or by phone to (085) 060-8406.

Many will remember that Ruen Thong is the same restaurant where DAT held an event in early February to support our efforts to organize the Democrats Abroad Global primary. The mouth-watering food was commented favorably on by all, and the atmosphere enjoyed by the two dozen Americans who came by was fun and exciting! Photos from that February event are down below this posting -- so you can see all the fun we had then, which we will repeat on this Saturday!

Please join us – all funds raised go directly to support the efforts of DAT to encourage the Americans among us to register and vote in this pivotal election in November! The Ruen Thong restaurant is located across the street from the original Tawan Daeng brewery on Naradhiwas Rajanagarin Soi 30, right next to a 7-11. The phone number at the restaurant is (02) 681-1284 or (02) 681-1285. We will be on the second floor in the private function room.