Saturday, July 18, 2009

Call for Nominations -- Elections and Annual General Meeting of DAT

DAT will be holding its annual general meeting on Thursday, September 10, 2009 from 6:00 PM onwards at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand (FCCT). This is an important meeting since all positions on the national executive committee of DAT will be up for election. Therefore, pursuant to Section 6.2.1 of the DAT by-laws, I hereby call for nominations for the positions of Chair, Vice-Chair (3 positions available), Secretary, and Treasurer. DAT members can either nominate themselves, or nominate other DAT members. Nominations must be done in writing by email to Rick Graves, the DAT Secretary, at gravesricharde "at" and with a copy to Phil Robertson at DemocratsAbroadThailand "at" Nominations must be received no later than close of business on August 25, 2009.

Democrats Abroad Thailand is also very proud to announce the organizing of its Bangkok Chapter. This chapter has been organized by a group of members based in the Bangkok area, and has been accepted as a chapter by the DAT Executive Committee. The first meeting of the DAT Bangkok Chapter will occur back to back with the DAT annual general meeting. There will be an election for the positions of the DAT Bangkok Chapter on the same night (September 10, 2009) at the FCCT. Therefore, we are calling for nominations for persons interested in the following positions – DAT Bangkok Chapter Chair, Vice-Chair, Chapter Secretary, and Chapter Treasurer. Nominations should be sent to Richard Graves, the DAT Secretary, at rick_graves "at" with a copy to Phil Robertson at DemocratsAbroadThailand "at" The deadline for nominations to be made for the Bangkok Chapter positions is close of business on August 25, 2009.

The FCCT is an easy walk from the Chit Lom Skytrain Station, and there is a map and other info on the FCCT web site here.

Finally, on a personal note, let me add that after two terms as Chair of DAT, I will stepping down from my position because I am term-limited, in accordance with the international rules set by Democrats Abroad. I look forward to working closely with whoever is elected to replace me and working with you all to make sure these two important elections go off smoothly.

With best wishes,

Phil Robertson
Chair -- Democrats Abroad Thailand (DAT)
email: democratsabroadthailand "at"
mobile phone: (66-85) 060-8406
fax: (66-2) 672-0592
skype: philrobertsonjr