On May 10, I went to Vientiane, Lao PDR to discuss with Americans there about getting involved in the Democrats Abroad and seeking support for a DAT Northeast Thailand chapter, and also ultimately -- at the right time -- organizing a DA Laos chapter. Mike Carroll did a tremendous job of organizing attendance, and Carol Cassidy opened up her lovely home and held a great party for approximately 15 or so Americans who came by to talk and snack on the amazing food Carol had laid out for the event, and enjoy an evening of American style politics. I gave a speech, as did Robert van den Bosch, who had recently been working on a US campaign for the House of Representatives. I expect that we will be able to organize the NE Thailand chapter in the next month or two -- we have a good core of supporters in and around Udon Thani, and the group in Vientiane.
Here are some photos from the event -- note the amazing fabrics that Carol has hanging in her house! Those interested in getting involved with DA Northeast/Esarn and Laos should contact Mike Carroll at mikecar21 "at" yahoo.com
Phil Robertson
Chair, DA Thailand
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