Monday, December 22, 2008

More Election Night Party Photos from the Roadhouse

DAT members and friends made the long drive from NichadaThani into town and assembled en masse on the night of November 5th on the 3rd floor of the Roadhouse Barbecue to cheer in the new era, here are some great photos of our big victory night. Thanks to the Banburys for the deft camera work!

In the course of evening, I recall that there were quite a few rounds of some sweet drinks called B-52's amidst the house-rocking chants of O-Ba-Ma, O-Ba-Ma, O-Ba-Ma (with the chant continuing for three minutes or more each time, yelled at the top of your lungs...). The next morning saw a few hang-overs and hoarse throats, that is for sure!

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