Monday, September 7, 2009

Instructions for Voting in the DAT Election -- September 10 2009

Many of you know that during the 2008 election year, the size of the DAT membership tripled! This is a huge success, but it also imposes a new challenge as we prepare for our bi-annual elections. Our by-laws require 5% of the membership to either participate in person or by proxy. Your vote and proxy are important both for determining future leadership of DAT AND ensuring that enough members are represented that the meeting is held and counts under our by-laws! Your proxy will be used for the business portion of the meeting (consideration of revised bylaws); but everyone must please vote the candidates of your choice on the ballot portion of the form linked here.

If you are unable to attend the Sept. 10 general meeting of Dems Abroad Thailand, please print and complete the proxy/ballot form. Sign and date the form; you must also include a copy of photo ID for purposes of verifying your signature. You may transmit the ballot by one of the following means:

* fax the form and copy of ID to (02) 2295560 by no later than 4:30 p.m., Sept. 10, OR
* scan the form and copy of ID and send as an email attachment to (cc by 6 p.m. Sept. 10)
* hand carried by another member (If you take this alternative and your form does not reach the Vote Counting Committee for any reason, your vote will not be counted)
* Note: all times are Bangkok time.

If you are able to attend the Sept. 10 meeting, you may vote in advance following the above instructions. For those who are planning to attend the meeting, there will be voting at the meeting. Please bring a photo ID (of any sort) with you.

Bangkok and nearby province residents: Please complete a separate proxy/ballot form to vote in the inception meeting of the Bangkok chapter! Instructions are the same as those for the DA Thailand proxy/ballot.

Please RSVP if you will attend by sending an email to, indicating whether you plan to purchase the FCCT buffet dinner @ 500 Baht payable to the FCCT.

For more information on the election, the candidates and a copy of the current and proposed DAT bylaws, visit the DAT page on the web .

Thanks for your interest in this election meeting, and your support of Dems Abroad. We look forward to seeing you Sept. 10--please arrive no later than 6 p.m. to facilitate registration and a prompt opening of the meeting.

I look forward to seeing you on September 10, at the FCCT.

With best wishes,

Phil Robertson

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