Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Biographies of candidates for election to Bangkok chapter positions

Bios of Candidates for Office -- DAT Bangkok Chapter
Al Caudullo

While Obama’s victory is still fresh on our minds, we must remain vigilant so as not to lose the ground that we, as Democrats, have gained. We must search for ways to enthuse, inform, and invigorate our membership. This is how we can grow our influence and reverse the devastation of 8 years of disastrous Republican rule.
My name is Al Caudullo. As an expat in Thailand for 8 years, I have enjoyed a wonderful immersion into Thai society. I have a Thai wife and three beautiful children – ages 9, 4, and 3. I brought with me 30 years of entrepreneurial business experience. My successful business in the U.S. enabled me to work for an extremely varied list of clients. From Microsoft to Sony Pictures, from the MGM Grand in Las Vegas to the Academy Awards in Hollywood, to name a few. Since moving to Thailand, I have built a thriving video production company doing projects for a range of U.S. and Thai clients , such as National Geographic, CBS’s 60 Minutes, Central Air Thailand and even the Pottery Barn Kids.
I am a member of the Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand.
And to give back to the community I have begun teaching Film Production at Mahidol University. I have a successful TV show in syndication airing all across the U.S., Europe, Russia and Australia.
Since establishing myself in Bangkok a year ago, I have been happily getting involved in the Obama campaign and election, and was privileged to attend the U.S. Embassy Election Party. As a founding member of Democrats Abroad, Bangkok Chapter, I have already set up our own website and have many ideas and events to help keep our members informed on news and events going on in Bangkok. I will try to maintain and grow our ranks so that when the next election comes, our party will continue to thrive.
As you already know, Bangkok is a diverse and wide spread community of expats. Through our new website we will keep our members informed and create an interactive Democratic Community. I look forward to serving you.

Vice Chair
Jenn Kovolski

Jenn is a political junkie and an enthusiastic Democrat. A resident of northern Virginia, she's been living in Bangkok for a year. She has been working in international development and community mobilization for over ten years, with a focus on women's empowerment. She also served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Morocco. Jenn currently works on a USAID-funded regional environment project. She has a M.A. in Sustainable International Development from the Heller School at Brandeis University. She is married to a Red Sox fan. Jenn is one of the founders of the DAT - Bangkok chapter and is excited to help it grow into a vibrant and active community.

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